GP and Primary Care (including Custodial and Military Primary Care)

The traditional role of the GP has always been the family doctor who is the main point of contact for general healthcare for all NHS patients. These are highly skilled doctors who support patients throughout their lives. They not only help manage the patients health but also try and prevent illness. They are trained in all aspects of general medicine. This includes child health, mental health, adult medicine, the diagnosis and management of acute medical and surgical problems and the management of longterm health conditions. The role has changed as the NHS has changed and patients needs have evolved. However, at its core, the ethos remains unchanged.

Primary Care, though, does not just happen in the traditional community-based setting but in a myriad of locations and settings. Very good examples here would be the military or the custodial environment. However, it is important to stress that wherever care is given it is done so to the highest standard and individuals can expect an equivalent standard of care to that offered in the traditional community setting.

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